Description: Two fragments of inscribed marble
panels found re-used, face downwards,
as patches to the sixth century mosaic in the S aisle of the Justinian church.
The fragments have been re-set, face upwards. a) Yellow breccia. b) Purple breccia.
Text: Inscribed on the visible face.
Letters: a) Roughly-scored lettering: 0.03-0.04. b) Roughly-scored lettering: 0.03-0.04.
Date: Fourth to sixth century CE (context)
Sabratha: Regio I,
the Justinian church in the south aisle.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Sabratha Museum.
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. [---] (line 2) he/she lived [---] years [? months and went to rest] on the first (or a day calculated in relation to the first of a month)
b. (Not usefully translatable.)
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 224, whence IRT, 2009, 224, whence EDH 059200.
None available (2021).