Description: Triumphal arch
Text: Inscribed on each of the four faces on the frieza and architrave, the decoration of which has been chiselled back
to make space for the text. a, on the north face is substantially complete; b (east face), c (south face) and d (west face)
are fragmentary.
Letters: Lapidary capitals 0.15.
Date: CE 163-164 (reign, titulature)
Arch of Marcus Aurelius.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
a (N face:)
Imp(eratori) C[aes(ari) M(arco)] Aurelio Antonino Aug(usto) p(atri) p(atriae) et Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) L(ucio) Aurelio Uero
Armeniaco Aug(usto)
Ser(uius) Co[rnelius Scipio Saluidienus] Orfitus proco(n)s(ul) cum Uttedio Marcello leg(ato) suo dedicauit
C(aius) Calpurnius Celsus curator muneris pub(lici) munerarius IIuir q(uin)q(uennalis) flamen perpetuus
arcum pecunia sua [solo publ]ịc̣o ẹṭ fund[auit et] marmore solido fecit b (E face (line 4):)
[--- solo pub]lic[o ---] c (S face: illegible traces of l)
d (W face (line 3 and 4):)
[--- fl]amen perpetuus
[--- public]o e[t fu]nd[auit et marmore solido f]ecit
a(N face:)
ARCUMPECUNIASUA[........]..O..FUND[......]MARMORESOLIDOFECIT b(E face (line 4):)
[---.......]LIC[.---] c(S face: illegible traces of l)
d(W face (line 3 and 4):)
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. To Emperor Caesar [Marcus] Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, Father of the Country, and Emperor Caesar Lucius Aurelius Verus,
Victor in Armenia, Augustus; Servius Cornelius [Scipio Salvidienus] Orfitus, proconsul, with Uttedius Marcellus, his legate
( senatorial assistant), dedicated (scil. this), Caius Calpurnius Celsus, curator of public business, giver of a public show, duovir in a fifth year,
perpetual flamen (scil. priest) built the arch at his own expense on public [land] and completed it with solid marble.
b. [---] on public [land---];
d. [---] perpetual flamen (scil. priest) [---] on public [land] both built (scil. it) and completed it [with solid marble].
Bibliography: Girard, 1685 f.20v., whence Cumont, 1925, 152, 162; Delaporte, 1836 33, whence CIL VIII, 1881, 24, with CIL VIII suppl.1, 1891., 10999; Aurigemma, 1938, pls IX and XI; IRT, 1952, 232, whence Thomasson, 1996 82a, IRT, 2009, 232, whence EDH 030832; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DTV 2 Lastre)
Fig. 2. Girard, Histoire, f. 20-21 (Source