Description: No description; copied by Duvreyier, and sent by Tissot.
Text: No description
Letters: No description
Date: First-third centuries CE (content)
In the Tripoli Oasis, described in 1878.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1878)
2: Fu[.]ic̣iani : Possibly Fuficiani ; or Euticiani
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
Of Caius Caesius Fronto Fuficianus, perpetual flamen (scil. priest); Caesia Quartina to her most dutiful father.
Bibliography: CIL VIII, 1881, 10487, CIL VIII suppl.1, 1891., 11000; IRT, 1952, 237, whence IRT, 2009, 237, whence EDH 059208
None available (2021).