0.43 x h:
0.64 x d:
in the form of a shrine, with flanking Ionic pilasters, pediment containing a bust of Serapis,
and rudimentary acroteria; in the central panel, a crested serpent before a pine cone upon a moulded stand;
the base, the lower left-hand corner of which is missing, consists of a podium moulded at the ends, smooth and inscribed at
the centre and, between the ends and the centre, recesses which may have contained inset figures.
Text: Inscribed around the border of the pediment, on the two pilasters, and on the central panel of the base. a) On the pediment;
b) On the pilasters; c) On the base.
Letters: Lettering: on the pediment, Greek, 0.017; on the pilasters, Latin, rough capitals not earlier than third century CE, 0.02;
on the base, as on the pilasters, 0.025.
Date: Third century CE (lettering)
Lepcis Magna:
Sahel di Homs
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Formerly in Homs Museum,
now in Lepcis Museum.
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. For the good fortune of our lords; Asclepiades (scil. set up) a thank-offering to the god Asclepius. b. For the victory of our lords. c. Because of his excellence, to the god Asclepius; Asclepiades son of Asclepiades, marble-merchant from Nicomedia.
Bibliography: Romanelli, 1925, fig. 29;, whence AE 1926.168, SEG 9.804; Ciotti, 1945, 35 ff., whence AE, 1948.101; IRT, 1952, 264, whence IRT, 2009, 264, whence PHI 189501; with emendations, c. 5-6, by Panciera, AE, 1991.1619, whence EDH 021657; Benseddik, 2010 61, 62; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections..