Description: Ten blocks of grey limestone
(together, w:
4.75 x h:
An eleventh inscribed block is missing.
Text: Inscribed on one face only. The text is identical with 330.
Letters: Lapidary capitals: line 1, 0.12; line 2, 0.09; remainder, 0.055-0.07.
Date: CE 35-36: GODOT (internal date)
Lepcis Magna: Regio V, (insula 14):
From a simple arch across the street at the North angle of the Portico behind the Theatre .
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
[Ti(berio) Caes]ari diui Aug(usti) f(ilio) Augusto diui Iuli n(epoti) pont(ifici) max(imo) co(n)[s(uli)] [V] imp(eratori) VIII
trib(unicia) potest(ate) XXXVII
C(aius) Rubellius Blandus q(uaestor) diui Aug(usti) tr(ibunus) pl(ebis) pr(aetor) co(n)s(ul) proco(n)s(ul) pont(ifex) patronus
ex r[e]ditibus agrorum quos Lepcitanis restituit uias omnis ciuitatis Lepcitanae ster-
5nendas silice curauit
M(arcus) Etrilius Lupercus leg(atus) pro pr(aetore) patronus sub hasta f(aciendum) l(ocauit)
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
To Tiberius Caesar Augustus, son of the deified Augustus, grandson of deified Julius, chief priest, consul [for the fifth
time], acclaimed victor for the eight, holding tribunician power for the thirty-seventh; Caius Rubellius Blandus, quaestor
of deified Augustus, tribune of the people, praetor, consul, proconsul, priest, patron, using the income from land which he
restored to the people of Lepcis, [saw to it] that all the streets of the city of Lapcis were paved with silex. Marcus Etrilius
Lupercus, his legate (senatorial assistent) and civic patron let the contracts for the work.
Bibliography: Romanelli, 1940, 87 ff,., figs. 2, 3 , whence AE 1948.1 IRT, 1952, 331, whence IRT, 2009, 331, whence EDH 059272; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 1359 Leica)
Fig. 2. Ward-Perkins, 1946 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 46.XVII.25)
Fig. 3. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 135 Lastre)
Fig. 4. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 136 Lastre)