WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0347. Dedication to Domitian

Description: Consisting of 65 panels of grey limestone (together, 3w: 5.70 x h: 1.13 x d: 0.15), interrupted by three passages. The text is repeated in the surviving part of 318(a).
Text: Inscribed on the surviving faces.
Letters: Lapidary capitals l .1, 0.22; line 2, 0.16; line 3, 0.14

Date: CE 92: GODOT and GODOT (titulature)

Findspot: Lepcis Magna: Regio V, Theatre - the parapet of the orchestra.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Findspot: found in fragments and since recomposed in position.


Imp(eratore) Caesare diui Uespasiani ⟦f(ilio) Domitiano Augusto Germanico pontif(ice) max(imo) trib(unicia) potest(ate) XI imp(eratore) XXI co(n)s(ule) XVI censore pe[rpetu]o patre patriae ⟧
Ti(berius) Claudius Quir(ina) (tribu) Sestius Ti(beri) Claudi Sesti f(ilius) praefectus sacrorum flamen diui Uespasiani sufes flamen perpetuus amator patriae amator ciuium ornator patriae amator concordiae cui primo ordo et populus ob merita maiorum eius et ipsius lato clauo semper uti conce[ssit]



English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

(1.)When emperor Caesar Domitian Augustus Germanicus, son of deified Vespasian, chief priest, held tribunician power for the eleventh time, had been acclaimed victor twenty-one times, been consul sixteen times, was perpetual censor (scil. and) father of the country (all erased). (2.) Tiberius Claudius Sestius, of the Roman voting tribe Quirina, son of Tiberius Claudius Sestius, prefect in charge of sacred things, flamen (priest) of deified Vespasian, sufete, perpetual flamen (priest), lover of his country, lover of its citizens, adorner of his country, lover of concord, who was the first (citizen) to whom the city council and the people gave permission to wear a broad purple band at all times, on account of the merits of his ancestors as well as his own. (3.) He saw to the making of the base and the altar at his own expense.


The Latin text of IRT 347 is nearly equivalent to IRT 318 which is bilingual Latin Neo-Punic.

Bibliography: Degrassi N., 1945, 13ff; Caputo, 1940 717-8; Caputo, 1949a, 86ff., pl. I, whence AE 1949.161, with Caputo, 1950a 176, whence AE 1951.87; IRT, 1952, 347, whence IRT, 2009, 347, whence EDH 027747. Levi Della Vida, 1949 404-406; Levi Della Vida, 1987 27, whence Jongeling-Kerr, 2005 21-22; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections..


   Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 937 Leica)

   Fig. 2. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 938 Leica)

   Fig. 3. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 939-940 Leica)

   Fig. 4. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (composite)