Description: Fragments of a panel of white marble (together, height 0.37).
Text: Inscribed within a moulded border
Letters: Lettering: line 1-3, Second century CE capitals; ll, 0.06;line 2, 0.035; line 3, 0.045; line 4-6, Rustic capitals;line 4,
0.045; line 5. 0.04; line 6, 0.035.
Date: CE 101-102: GODOT and GODOT (internal date)
Lepcis Magna: Findspot unrecorded
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Lepcis Museum.
a( line 1- 5: )
[Imp(eratore) Caesar]e diui N[eruae f(ilio)] Ṇ[e]ṛua T[rai]ạṇ[o Augusto]
Germ(anico) pont(ifice) [max(imo)] tri[b(unicia) pot(estate) c. 1 - 4] co(n)s(ule) IIII p(atre) [p(atriae)]
[---]s M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina tribu) Seue[rus f]lame[n] diui Clau[di]
[---]m basilicae maioris ạ[mpl]iores [c. 4]ṣịṭ [---]
5 [---]icae ther[ma]- [---] b( line 4-6: )
[--- amplius adi]ẹctis (sestertiis) [---]
5 [--- p]orticus [---]
[---]Ṭ[---] c( ll 5-6 )
[---]Ị ampliu[s ---] d( ll 5-6 )
[---] XX m[ilia nummum ---]
a( line 1- 5: )
GERMPONT[...]TRI[.....c. 1 - 4]COSIIIIP[.]
5[---]ICAETHER[..---] b( line 4-6: )
[---].[---] c( ll 5-6 )
[---].AMPLIU[.---] d( ll 5-6 )
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. When [emperor Caesar], son of deified Nerva, Nerva T[raj]an [Augustus] Germanicus was [chief] priest, held tribunician
[power for the ? time], consul for the fourth, father [of the country---] Severus, son of Marcus, of the Roman voting tribe Quirina, flamen (priest) of deified Claudius, [---] enlarged [the---and the---] of the greater basilica [---] ? the hot water bath [---]
b.[---] adding [---] sesterces [---] the porticoes [---]
(c. line 2) [---]greater[---]
(d. line 2)[---] twenty thousand [sesterces---]
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 352, whence IRT, 2009, 352, whence EDH 059280; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXII.33)