WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0427. Building inscription of the Basilica

Description: Inscribed blocks (lengths varying, 0.59; total inscription, w: 5.92 x h: 4.2) of brown limestone. There were originally 36 blocks, of which 22 survive complete and 1 in part; many are badly weathered. The text is identical with that of 428 from the interior of the Basilica.
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Lapidary capitals: 0.15; line 11, 0.225.

Date: CE 216: GODOT (internal date)

Findspot: Lepcis Magna: Forum Severianum: Severan Basilica, from the external back wall.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Fondspot: found fallen and since replaced in position.


[Imp(erator) Caes(ar) Lucius Septimius Seuerus Pius Pertinax Aug(ustus)]
[Arabicus Adiabenicus Parthicus maximus Britan-]
nicus maximus po[ntifex maximus] tribuniciae pote-
statis decem [e]t oct[ies imperator duo]decies co(n)s(ul)
5[ter pat]e[r] patriae proco(n)s(ul) coepit et ex maio[re par-
te perfec]it Im[p](erator) C[a]es(ar) diui Septimi Seueri Pii Arabi[ci Adia-]
[benici Parthici] maxim[i] Britannici maximi filius diui
Marci Anto[ni]ni G[ermani]ci Sarmatici nepos diui
[Antonini Pii pronepos diui] Hadriani ab[nepos]
10[diui Traiani Part]ḥic[i et d]iui Neruae ad[nepos]
[Imp(erator) Caes(ar) M]arcus Aurellius Antoninus Pius Aug(ustus)
[Parthicus] m[a]x(imus) B[ritannicus maximus Ge]rm[anicus]
[maximu]s po[ntifex maximus tribuni]c[iae pote-]
s[tatis de]c[e]mṇ[ouies imp(erator) ter co(n)s(ul) quater pat]er
15pa[tria]e [proco(n)s(ul) perfici curauit]



English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

[The emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus, victor in Arabia, victor in Adiabene, greatest victor in Parthia,] greatest [Uictor in Britannia, chief] priest, holding tribunician power for the eighteenth time, acclaimed victor twelve times, consul [three times, father] of the country, proconsul, began and [substantially completed] (scil. this); emperor Caesar, son of deified Septimius Severus Pius, victor in Arabia, victor in [Adiabene], greatest victor in [Parthia], greatest victor in Britannia, grandson of deified Marcus Antonius, victor in Germany, victor in Sarmatia, great grandson of deified [Antoninus Pius, great great grandson of deified] Hadrian, great great great grandson of [deified Trajan victor in Parthia] and of deified Nerva, [emperor Caesar M]arcus Aurellius Antoninus Pius Augustus, greatest victor in [Parthia], [greatest victor in Britannia, greatest], victor in Germany, [chief priest, holding tribunician power] for the [nineteenth time, acclaimed victor three times, consul four times, father] of the country, [proconsul arranged for its completion].


Line 4: The inital work was under Severus, 10 Dec. 209 - 9 Dec. 210.

Bibliography: Guidi, 1929, 231 ff., plate A, figs. 1, 2, whence AE 1930.1; IRT, 1952, 427, whence IRT, 2009, 427, whence Degrassi A., 1954 , EDH 025557; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.;


   Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins, 1947 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 47.XI.17)

   Fig. 2. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. CLM 310)