[Fl(aui) Iuli Constantis m]aximi triumf̣[ato]ṛum semper A[ugg(ustorum)]
[c. 20uet]ustatis absum[pt]- [c. 25]
[c. 20]de turre[sc. 30]
5 [c. 8 de]f̣ensione adparatu[c. 30]
[---uir perfectissim- praes- ] p̣rouin[cia]e Tripolita[nae ---]
Description: Two sections of a fragmentary panel (w:
0.95 x h:
0.61 x d:
top and bottom edges, and w:
0.11 x h:
0.085 x d:
0.025, top edge only).
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Fourth century CE capitals: 0.065.
Date: CE 340-350 (reign)
Lepcis Magna: Regio V,
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
In [the most flourishing] period of our lords Flavius Julius Constantius [--- and Flavius Julius Constans] greatest, triumphant, always Augusti, [---] damaged as the result of age [---] in defence ? by provision [---] the province of Tripolitania[---]
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 470, whence IRT, 2009, 470; Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 74; EDH (Bigi, 2014) 059368; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.