WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0519. Honours for Caeclius Severus

Description: Moulded base (w: 0.81 x h: 1.30 x d: 0.75) of brown limestone.
Text: Inscribed on one face on the upper moulding (line 1) within a moulded panel (lines 2-14) (die, w: 0.28 x h: 0.595) and on the lower moulding (line 15).
Letters: Fourth century CE capitals: 0.03-0.04; dot for stop .

Date: Fourth century CE (lettering)

Findspot: Lepcis Magna: Forum Severianum: Severan Basilica, East Passage.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Findspot


( vac. ) Elpidii ( vac. )
( vac. 1 line)
Omnium uir-
tutum praedi-
cabili uiro et su-
5pra documenta
bonitatis insigni
adque magnifico
Caecilio Seuero u(iro) c(larissimo)
a(genti) u(ices) praeff(ectorum) praetorio ((stop))
10ob multiformem
iudiciorum eius in
se moderationem
ex̣ decrẹto et sufrạ-
gio M [c. 15]
15Lepcitani publice



14: gio [ . . . IRT, 1952

English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

(scil. In honour) of Elpidius. To a man deserving praise for all virtues, distinguished and magnificent for goodness beyond documentation, Caecilius Severus, splendid man( of senatorial status), acting as deputy for the praetorian prefects; the Lepcitanians (scil. set this up) publicly on account of the manifold moderation of his judgments in their cases, and in accordance with a decree and a vote [---]

Italian translation

Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010

Elpidius! Uomo lodevole per ogni virtù, insigne e magnificoben oltre le prove offerte della sua bontà, a Caecilius Severus, uomo chiarissimo, facente le veci dei prefetti al pretorio, perla multiforme moderazione nei giudizi da lui resi nei loro confronti, per decreto e per suffragio . . . i Leptitani, a spese pubbliche.

English translation

Translation source: LSA, 2012

(Statue of) Elpidius. To the man praiseworthy of all virtues, outstanding and magnificent beyond the documented proofs of his goodness, Caecilius Severus, of clarissimus rank, acting in the role of the praetorian prefects; on account of the multiform moderation of his judgements concerning themselves, by decree and vote . . . the people of Lepcis Magna [set this up] from public funds.


Caecilius Severus Elpidius: PLRE I, Severus 20: see the comments of Porena, at Tantillo, loc.cit.

Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 519, whence IRT, 2009, 519; Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 28, whence LSA, 2012, 2174 (Tantillo and Bigi), EDH (Bigi, 2014) 059410; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.


   Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 1524 Leica)

   Fig. 2. View: Tantillo (2003)

   Fig. 3. Face, drawing: Bigi (2009)

   Fig. 4. Face, lines 3 following: Tantillo (2005)