White Pentelic marble
capitals of the engaged order.
Text: Mason's marks inscribed on the under surfaces of the capitals. k., recorded by Romanelli, is no longer visible.
Letters: 0.06-0.11.
Date: Second to third centuries CE (context)
Lepcis Magna :
Forum Severianum:
Severan Basilica, in the gallery which flanks it to the East.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
The restoration of (a), (b), (j) and (k) to form a single text (so SEG IX, 803) has no justification whatever.
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
(a) Ap[---]
(b) Aristo[---]
(c) Aristophantos
(d) Ep[---]
(e) Eupr( ?)
(f) Euph[---]
(g) P[---]
(h) Si( ?)
(i)Si( ?)
(j) Sote(scil. r?)
(k) [---]YZH
Bibliography: Romanelli, 1925, 113, n. 1. nos. a), b), j) and k). SEG, 9.803 ; IRT, 1952, 800, whence PHI 189564, 189565, 189566, 189567, 189568, 189569, 189570, 189571, 189572, 189573, 189574, 189575, 189576, 189577, , IRT, 2009, 800, whence EDH 059649; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.