Description: Rough block (w:
0.55 x h:
0.85 x d:
0.23) of yellow limestone
Text: Inscribed on one face. Two lines in another script, possibly debased Neo-Punic, follow the Latin text. A second inscription
is illegible from erosion.
Letters: Rough capitals, not earlier than third century CE: 0.04-0.05.
Date: Not earlier than third century CE (lettering)
Western Jabal:
at Saniet el-Crema (map ref. Q 128760) on a small hillock about 200 m. East of the weline
The site of a semi-Romanized Libyan cemetery. Seen and photographed by Goodchild in 1947.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
To the gods below. [---] Flabi[---] Mysu[---] he/she lived for forty years.
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 860, whence IRT, 2009, 860, whence EDH 059710; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.