Description: A number of blocks and fragments of blocks: (all originally 0.53
0.42-48, varying width).
a) Fragments of 7 blocks. Fragments 6 and 7 are wrongly conflated as a single text by CIL, followed by Diehl, Inscr. lat.
christ. vet. 2468 (erroneously attributed to Rumia).
b) Fragments of 16 lintels and wall-panels. To these must be added a lintel fragment, containing the central part of text
2, seen and photographed by Bartoccini c.1925, re-used as part of a column in an
unidentified mosque near Msufiin.
1. Complete lintel (w:
1.41), found in situ over doorway V.
2. Three fragments of a lintel (w:
3. Left half of a lintel (w:
1.12, width incomplete)
4. Left half of a lintel (w:
0.70, width incomplete)
5. Wall-panel (w:
6. Wall-panel (w:
7. Wall-panel (w:
8. Fragment (0.75; width incomplete; left-hand margin only)
9. Fragment (0.44; left-hand margin only)
10. Fragment (h:
0.45, width incomplete; left-hand margin only)
11. Fragment (0.68, width incomplete; left-hand margin only)
12. Fragment (0.23, width incomplete; left-hand margin only)
13. Fragment (1.10, width incomplete; right-hand margin only)
14. Fragment (0.80, width incomplete; right-hand margin only)
15. Fragment (0.40, width incomplete; right-hand margin only)
16. Fragment (0.32, width incomplete; neither lateral margin surviving)
Text: These blocks belong to a series of inscriptions, all of similar form and content, which appear to have formed a continuous
along the outer face or faces of the building. Some of the blocks served also as lintels of doorways, and in these the text
is interrupted by a central Chi-rho monogram.
Letters: Well cut lapidary capitals: 0.095-0.10. The text is cut in three lines within a frame of continuous horizontal incised lines
(double between lines 1 and 2, and lines 2 and 3), with vertical lines marking the left and right-hand margins of the individual
panels. There is a fourth line, below the frame, on some blocks; on the lintels this part of the stone is cut away.
Date: Fourth-seventh centuries CE (content)
Western Jabal:
From Henscir Taglissi. a) Recorded by Rothmann in 1773, four of them then still apparently in situ. With the possible exception of fragments 5
and 7, these are now lost.
b) found by Goodchild in 1949 on the surface and in the course of partial excavation.
b.2: The central fragment photographed by Bartoccini in 1925, the other two found in 1949.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
[---fe]licitas 34 5 6
[---]CA 7
[---la]udes [---]
[---]A[---] b 1
Dei domini ( vac. ) omnipo-
tentis et Ἄ(λφα) ((Chi-Rho)) Ὠ(μέγα) eius pieta-
s et miseri ( vac. ) cordia 2
[L]audes [do]mino om( vac. )[nipote]nti Deo et ((Chi-Rho)) ei-
[us] cuiu[s] aspiration ( vac. )[e et prae]stantia Ae-
[mil]ian[u]s disposuit Ἄ(λφα) ((Chi-Rho)) Ὠ(μέγα) i[nstitui]t et perfecit 3
Dei domini ( vac. ) [omnipotentis]
oppulentia Ἄ(λφα) ((Chi-Rho)) Ὠ(μέγα) [---]
abundantia ( vac. ) [---] 4
[Om]nipoten[ti ---]
[.]ETO inmort[alitas---]
PE 56
De[i d]omin-
bona 7
Domini omnipotentis ho-
norificentia prudentia s
c̣[ientia rec]ordatio 8
[Do]mini o[mnipotentis --- in-]
uictissim[i ---]-
-itas iust[itia ---] 9
Dei dom[ini ---]
kar[itas ---]
------ 10
Dom[ini ---]
------ 11 12 13
[---au]ctoritas ex
[---]TIO 14
[--- omnipote]nti[...]
[---] humanitas 15
[---]T ((palm)) 16
[---do]mini o[mnipotentis]
[---..]LICITAS 3456
[---]CA 7
[---]A[---] b1
DEIDOMINI [............]
PE 56
.[.........]ORDATIO 8
ITASIUST[....---] 9
------ 10
------ 111213
[---]TIO 14
[---]T ⸙ 16
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. 1. The justice of the Lord God; 2. [---]felicity; 3. [---] of the Lord [God ---]; 4. [---]of the Lord [God ---]; 5. [---]?good things[---]of the Lord [God ---]
b. 1. Of the omnipotent Lord God and his ?justice and mercy. (Alpha and Omega on either side of a chi-rho monogram); 2. Praises to the omnipotent Lord God and his Christ, by whose ?breath and excellence Aemilianus organised, constructed
and completed (scil. this) (Alpha and Omega on either side of a chi-rho monogram); 3. Of the Lord God the omnipotent the wealth [---], the riches [---] (Alpha and Omega on either side of a monogram cross); 4. [To] the omnipotent God [---] immortality (case unknown); 5. of the prosperity of the Lord; 6. [Of] the Lord God [---] good things; 7. Of the omnipotent Lord, the honour, the prudence, the knowledge, the remembrance. 8. Of the [omnipotent]
Lord [---] wholly unconquered [the ---], the justice[---]; 9. Of the Lord God [---] the love [---]; 10. Of the Lord [God ---]; 11. Of God [---]; 12. (Not usefully translatable.) 13. [---] omnipotent (probably genitive) [---] authority from [---]; 14.[---] ?of the omnipotent [God ---] the humanity; 15. (Not usefully translatable.) 16. [---] of the [omnipotent] Lord [---].
Bibliography: a) Recorded by Rothman in 1773, whence CIL VIII, 1881, 10969; b.1: Goodchild, 1949a , whence AE 1952.64; IRT, 1952, 863, whence IRT, 2009, 863, whence EDH 018926; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. b.2, central fragment: Bartoccini, 1925: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. B. 1993)
Fig. 2. b.2, central fragment: Bartoccini, 1925: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. B. 1993)
Fig. 3. b.2: Drawing, showing restoration: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 4. b.2 Right end: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 5. b.2, Right end: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 6. b.2, Left end: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 7. b.3: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 8. b.4: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 9. b.5: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 10. b.6: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 11. b.7, left and central parts: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 12. b.7, left and central parts: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 13. b.7, right end. with b.12 below, right: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 14. b.8: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 15. b.9: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 16. b.13: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 17. b.14: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 18. b.15: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 19. b.16: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR