Description: Rectangular stele of brown limestone (w:
0.33 x h:
1.28 x d:
Text: Inscribed on the face.
Letters: 0.05-0.06
Date: First half of the fourth century (nomenclature)
Wādī Sawfajjīn:
Middle Lower Sofeggin Basin:
Bir ed-Dreder: Surveyed in situ, in the Libyan cemetery, by Goodchild in 1949.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location:
Tripoli Castle
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
Iullus Masthalul . . .
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1997
Iulius Masthalul son of Chyrdidry, prince (who has) all the merits of a great man, from the tribe (or: family) of Misaieruchan, chief of military administration and justice, the whole stele has been erected.
English translation
Translation source: Kerr, 2010
Iulius Masthalul son of Chyrdid, (the) commander of the guard [ . . . .
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 886.b, whence IRT, 2009, 886b; Goodchild, 1954 2, Elmayer, 1984 95-97, Elmayer, 1997, 33; this edition Kerr, 2010, 172 (where see bibliography)
None available (2021).