Block (w:
0.90 x h:
0.54) of limestone
Text: Inscribed within a narrow border; below the text, two Victories uphold a wreath containing a small rosette; to the left,
a four-lobed plait; below the right-hand victory, a bird.
Letters: Rough capitals: 0.04-0.05.
Date: First-fourth centuries CE
Wādī Sawfajjīn:
Middle Lower Sofeggin Basin:
Shemech (map ref. R 1402):
Seen and photographed in position over the door of an unidentified gasr nearby,
described by Petrignani as << Gasr Wadi el Bir presso Scemek >>.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Initially removed to the Fort at Shemech, later to the
Lepcis Museum.
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
?Flavius Dasamaus, son of Macrinus, built the tower [ . . .
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1983
Flavius Dasama and his son Macrinus, the chief artisan, have made (this) centenarium to guard and protect the whole zone
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1984a
Flavius Dasama and his son Macrinus, the chief (or: commander) of the district, have made (this) centenarium to guard and protect the whole zone
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1997
Flavius Dasama and his son Macrinus, landowners, have made (this) centenarium to guard and protect the whole zone
English translation
Translation source: Kerr, 2010
Flavius Dasama and his son Macrinus, made this centenarium; (the) architect who [made it was] Sabarruz [ . . .
Bibliography: Petrignani, 1928, 80; Goodchild, 1950a 137 ff. and pl. XVI a. whence AE 1951.10;; IRT, 1952, 889 (without transcription), whence IRT, 2009, 889; Krahmalkov, 1973 ; Elmayer, 198390-91, whence AE 1983.948; Elmayer, 1984a 149-50, whence EDH 020941, Elmayer, 1997, 56; this edition Kerr, 2010, 185 (where see bibliography); for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.