Description: Right-hand portion of a panel (dimensions not recorded).
Text: Inscribed within a tabella ansata; in the surviving, right-hand ansa is a
human figure holding a palm-branch. The lower four lines have been damaged since 1904
Letters: No description.
Date: First-fourth centuries CE
Wādī Sawfajjīn:
Wadi Merdum; recorded by De Mathuisieulx over the gate of Gasr el-Azaiz,
South East of Faschiet el-Habs
(map ref. R 6040, approx.).
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1904)
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
Not usefully translatable.
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1983
A sum of 200 Tibas was made as vow for the child during his life and for the life of my son Odosilim for whom the sacrifice (promise) was accomplished [by] Sisan Siluan[us who] at the time erected all [these] eight colonnades and a memorial portico
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1997
Viva Sibaus made a sacrifice for his father and for his son. The builder Abdsilim, by whom 'the promise' was accomplished, and Sysan Siluanus erected these colonnades and memorial portico.
English translation
Translation source: Kerr, 2010
The centenarium which made Udruna for his parents and for his sons Duniad, Osilim, Sebuinan and Sysan and Ilun ?? erected Calamdas . . . ? Micauran
Bibliography: Méhier de Mathuisieulx, 1904 plate XXI 1, whence CIL VIII, suppl.4, 1916, 22664; IRT, 1952, 893, without transcription , whence IRT, 2009, 893, whence EDH 059736; Elmayer, 1983 91-92, whence AE 1983.948; republished, with better illustration, Brogan, 1977 108-109 and plates xlii-xliii, whence Elmayer, 1984a 150-151 Elmayer, 1997, 59, Kerr, 2010, 193 (where see bibliography).