WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0908. Fragmentary dedication to Alexander Severus

Description: Fragmentary panel (w: 0.26 x h: 0.52), probably of limestone. Not seen.
Text: Inscribed on the surviving face.
Letters: Capitals: line 1, 0.045; remainder, 0.03.

Date: 222-235 CE (reign)

Findspot: Ghadames: Found at the ruins of the Asnam in 1860 by Auguste Cherbonneau.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Findspot (1860)


[Imp(eratori)] Caes(ari) M(arco) Aureli[o Seuero]
⟦[Ale]xandro⟧ Pio Fel[ici Aug(usto)]
[et Iuli]ae ⟦Mamaeae⟧ Aug(ustae) [matri]
[Aug(usti) e]t castrorum sub F̣Ạ [---]
5 [--- l]eg(ato) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) c(larissimo) u(iro) uexi[lla-]
[tio leg(ionis)][III] [Au]g(ustae) P(iae) U(indicis) Seuerianae per
[---]ụum c(enturionem) leg(ionis) eiusdem
[---] fecit



2-3: : erased after Alexander's damnatio in 235.

English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

To [emperor] Caesar Marcus Aurelius [Severus] Alexander (name erased), Pius, Felix, [Augustus and Julia] Mamaea (erased) Augusta [mother of Augustus] and of the camps, under [---], legate of Augustus with propraetorian powers, splendid man (of senatorial status), a detachment of Legion III Augusta, Pia, Vindex, Severiana, through the agency of [---]uus, centurion of the same legion [---] erected (scil. this).

Bibliography: CIL VIII, 1881, 1, CIL VIII suppl.1, 1891. 10990; IRT, 1952, 908, whence IRT, 2009, 908, whence EDH 033526; Thomasson, 1996 61b


None available (2021).