Description: Seven
blocks of local
c.0.88 x h:
0.50-0.52 x d:
Inscribed on the face; there are traces of stucco and of red paint.
Letters: 0.10-0.20
Date: 77 CE: GODOT and GODOT (titulature)
Findspot: Sabratha;
Regio III,
Temple of Isis; fragments found scattered and re-used.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Findspot
Imp(eratore) U[e]ṣp̣ạ[siano] Ạ[ug](usto) [pont(ifice) max(imo)]
[trib(unicia) p]ot(estate) I[X i]mp(eratore) XVII[I p(atre) p(atriae) co(n)s(ule) VIII]
[et Imp(eratore) T(ito)] Ueṣ[pa]siano A[ug](usti) [--- co(n)s(ule) VI]
[et] ⟦Domitiano A[ug] (usti) [f(ilio) Caesare]⟧ co(n)s(ule) [V]
5C(aius) Paccius African[us]
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
In the time of emperor Vespasian Augustus [Chief priest], holding tribunician power for the ninth time, acclaimed victor eighteen
times, [consul for the eighth time, father of the country], when emperor Titus Augustus [ . . was consul for the sixth time]
and Domitianus Caesar, son of Augustus, [consul for the fifth time], Caius Paccius Africanus [ . . .
Bibliography: Two fragments published as IRT, 1952, 15, 16, whence IRT, 2009, 15, 16, whence EDH 059014, 059015; Discovery of three further blocks mentioned in Fasti Archaeologici 12, 1957, no.5621, whence AE 1961.143; All published Di Vita-Évrard, 1967 , whence AE 1968.551, Thomasson, 1996 49.c; Revised Benario, 1966 , whence AE 1971.485, EDH 015596; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. Fragment of lines 1 and 2: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXVII.8)
Fig. 2. Fragment of lines 1 and 2: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXXVI.12)
Fig. 3. Fragment of line 1: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXVII.9)