Description: Four adjoining fragments of two
lintel blocks of
59.0 x h:
39.5 x d:
Inscribed on the face
Letters: 0.75-0.12
Date: 56 CE (titulature)
Findspot: Lepcis Magna:
Road from the Circus to the Port,
Amphitheatre; found in 1961.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Findspot
⟦Neroni⟧ Claudio d[iui] Claudi f(ilio)
Germanici Caesaris nep(oti) Ti(beri) Caesaris Aug(usti) pron(epoti)
ḍiụị Aug(usti) abṇ[ep(oti) Caes]ạri Aug(usto) Germanico pont(ifici) max(imo) [t]rib(unicia) pot(estate) Imp(eratori)
co(n)s(uli) ḍesig(nato) II p(atri) p(atriae)
M(arcus) Pompẹiụṣ Siluanus Staberius Flauinus [XV]uir sac(ris) fac(iundis) proco(n)[s(ul)] III dedịc(auit)
5Q(uinto) Cassio Gṛato pr(aetore) proco(n)s(ule) Cretae et Cỵrenar(um) leg(ato) pro pr(aetore) Africae III
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
For Nero (erased) Claudius son of deified Claudius, grandson of Germanicus Caesar, great grandson of Tiberius Caesar Augustus, great great
grandson of deified Augustus, Caesar Augustus, victor in Germany, high priest, holding tribunician power, acclaimed victor,
consul designate for the second time, father of the country. Marcus Pompeius Silvanus Staberius Flavinus, member of the commitee
of fifteen for sacred rites ((at Rome)), proconsul for the third tome, dedicated (scil. the building), when Quintus Cassius Gratus was praetor and proconsul of
Crete and Cyrene, and legate with praetorian powers of the provonce of Africa, for the third time.
Bibliography: Di Vita-Évrard, 1965 29-32. whence AE 1968.549, EDH 015590, Pellegrino, 2018 1
None available (2021).