Columnar milestone of
1.67; the supporting socket survives.
Inscribed on the face,
within a recessed die (0.94 0.45)
Letters: Third century capitals, well cut; Line 1, 0.065-0.0; lines 2-5, 8-10, 0.06; Lines 6-7, 0.04; line 11, 0.06; line 12, 0.05.
Date: 244 - 247 CE (reign)
Eastern Jabal:
Eastern Jabal Road:
El Garib
Original location: Findspot: Eastern Jabal Road
Last recorded location: Findspot (1971)
English translation
Translation by: Charlotte Roueché
Emperor Caesar Marcus Julius Filipus, Pius, Felix, Augustus, chief priest, holding tribunician power [ for the ? time] father of the country, and Marcus Julius Philippus, most noble Caesar, son of our Augustus. Number 56 miles.
A further column survives, but is too weathered to be read.
Bibliography: Goodchild-Reynolds, 1976 109, whence AE 1996.1695, EDH 050461