? No description
Inscribed on the face, which is damaged at the centre.
Letters: No description
Date: Mid-second century CE (context)
Findspot: Bani Walid area,
Wādī Ghalbūn
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Bani Walid Museum (2008).
English translation
Translation source: Kerr, 2010
Mausoleum, which ma[de . . . ] for their father [ . . . ] the son of Iliuat Syhar [ . . . ] Blandus (?) and Rufus and Iu[stus . . . ] and Maximus and [ . . .-]us procurator [ . . .] their (?) Thelebenthi(?), daughter of M[ . .]ath and the builder was Ano[ . . .a]nd his son [ . . . procur]atores(?)
Bibliography: Kerr, 2010, 219