Plaque of
plaster, inscribed with the form of a tabula ansata. From a group originally plastered over the openings of loculi,
which measure approximately:
1.75 x h:
Text: ii
inscribed within the tabula ansata; i is incised to the left of the tabula.
Date: Fourth century CE (context)
Findspot: Syrtica: Sirte,
Hypogeum, in the piazza opposite the old Turkish barracks.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Findspot
2: ava (= vixit?), or a at the end of the name and v(ixit) a[nn(os)] Bartoccini, 1928c
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1997
Pom(pea) lived
English translation
Translation source: Kerr, 2010
Pompeia (?) lived.
English translation
Translation by: Caroline Barron
(ii): Pompeia (?) lived.
Bibliography: mentioned and indexed IRT, 1952, 855, whence mentioned IRT, 2009, 855; Bartoccini, 1928c 26, p. 197; p. 192, tav. I, whence EDCS 75200121; Elmayer, 1997, 9, p.337, Kerr, 2010 212, no.4 (where see bibliography)
None available (2021).