WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0075. Dedication to third century emperor

Description: Three joining fragments (a, b and c) from the left-hand side, and two further fragments of a marble panel. i: upper edge, w: 0.23 x h: 0.14. ii: a and b: from left side, w: 0.38 x h: 0.43; c: , no edges surviving, w: 0.17 x h: 0.16 d: no edges surviving, w: 0.26 x h: 0.34
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Third century capitals: 0.06.

Date: c. 303-315 CE (titulature)

Findspot: Sabratha: Regio I, Capitolium, found in the vaults; see note on 1.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Findspot


[---]ui et sal[ut---]
[---] publicar[um ---]
[Imp(eratori)] Caẹ[s(ari) ---]
[Pio Fe]ḷic<i> inuị[cto Aug(usto) ---]
[po]nt(ifici) max(imo) trib(unicia) p[ot](estate) [---]NSS[---]
Val(erius) Gelasiu[s u(ir) p(erfectissimus)] praes(es) pr[ou(inciae) Trip(olitanae)]
5numini maie[statique] eius sem[per dicatus]
cur(ante) L(ucio) Uo[---]amo u(iro) p(erfectissimo) f[l](amine) [ p(er)p(etuo)?]



i.2: 87: publicar IRT, 1952
ii.3: 75: maximo IRT, 1952
ii.4: 75: Valerius Claudius IRT, 1952
ii.5: 75: numini maiestatique eius deuotissimus IRT, 1952
ii.6: 75: curante Luc perhaps line Vo[- IRT, 1952

English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

(IRT 75): To [Emperor] Caesar [---Pius], Felix, unconquered, [Augustus, ---], chief priest, [---]; Valerius Claudius [---, deeply devoted to his] divine power and majesty. Luc[---] (or Lucius Vo[---]) supervised (scil. the project.)

(IRT 87) a. [---] ? in [---] and well being [---] of public ? affairs [---]; b. [---] tribunician power [---] c. [---] outstanding (or they stand e.g. in charge) [---] of him always [---to (or by)---]amus, an excellent man (i.e. of equestrian status )[---]

Italian translation

Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010

. . . salvexzza . . . publica . . . all'imperatore Cesare . . Pio Felice invitto . . . pontefice massimo, investito della potestà tribunizia . . . Valerius Gelasius, uomo perfetissimo, governatore della Prouincia di Tripolitania, sempre devoto al suo nume e alla sua maiestà. A cura di Lucius Vo . . .amus, uomo perfettissimo, flamine perpetuo (?)

English translation

Translation source: LSA, 2012

... and the welfare ...common ... to the emperor Caesar, pious, fortunate, unconquered, ... pontifex maximus, holder of tribunician power .... Val(erius) Gelasius, of perfectissimus rank, governor (praeses) of the province of Tripolitania, forever dedicated to his divine spirit and majesty [set this up], with Lucius Vo... amus, of perfectissimus rank, perpetual priest (flamen) (?), as overseer.


Tantillo and Bigi identified the fragments published as IRT 87 as forming part of the text published as IRT 75; see further their discussion, loc. cit.

Bibliography: IRT, 1952, a and b as 75, c, d and e as 87, whence IRT, 2009 75, 87; Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 93, whence LSA, 2012, 2224 (Tantillo and Bigi), EDH (Bigi, 2014) 021931; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.


   Fig. 1. From left: 44, 75: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DS 776 Leica)

   Fig. 2. From left: Above: 48, 44, 75; Below: 50: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. CS 217)

   Fig. 3. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DS 775 Leica)

   Fig. 4. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. CS 217)

   Fig. 5. From left: 75 (part), 54: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DS 799 Leica)