WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

1046. Honours for a governor (?)

Description: Fragment of a marble panel: w: -0.087 x h: -0.10 x d: 0.012
Text: Inscribed on the face; there are traces of a single letter on the back.
Letters: 0.04

Date: 301 AD – 400 AD (lettering)

Findspot: Lepcis Magna: findspot unknown.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Lepcis Museum


[---pra]esidi [---]
[--- Prouinciae Trip]oḷita[nae]



English translation

Translation source: LSA, 2012

To ... governor (praeses) of the province of Tripolitania ...


Opisthographic fragment with traces of a single letter on the rear.

Bibliography: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 44, whence AE 2010.1778, LSA, 2012, 2190 (Tantillo and Bigi), EDH (Bigi, 2014) 067591


None available (2021).