WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

1204. Christian funerary text (En-Ngila cemetery)

Description: Tomb of rubble, with a plaster surface, w: 2.05 x h: 0.50 x d: 0.64.
Text: Incised i on the south face, with a cross to the right of the text; ii.on the east face, beside nd within a cross. There are crosses on the west face.
Letters: Large clear uncial letters

Date: Late 10th-early eleventh century CE, 8th indiction (context)

Findspot: Tripoli: Christian cemetery among the sand-dunes at en-Ngila.
Original location: Findspot
Last recorded location: Findspot


In hoc tumulo iaket korpus bone memorie Fokio[n?--- Bixit?]
miserikordia D(e)i plus minus annos L. Rekessit de ok sekulo [sub die me-]
sis bikeisima Dekembre indiktio oktaba. Req<u>iem eternam det tibi D(omi)n(u)s
et l<u>x perpetua l<u>keat tibi. Ossa arida resurgetis et bibetis et b<i>debitis mage-
5statem D(omi)n(u)i
(to the left of the cross) Saba(oth)
(within the cross) D(ominu)s D(eu)s
(to the right of the cross) Χ(ρ)ι(στό)ς


(to the left of the cross)SABA
(within the cross)DSDS
(to the right of the cross)ΧΙΣ

i.1: [In hoc] tumulo iaket corpus Paribeni, 1927 ; Fono[- . . Paribeni, 1927
i.2: annos I[.] Paribeni, 1927
i.3: OSIS biei prima Paribeni, 1927
i.4: osa Paribeni, 1927

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

(i):In this tomb lies the body of ? Fokion of good memory {he lived] by the mercy of Gof more or less 50 years. He left this world on the twentieth day in December, eighth indiction. May the Lord grant you rest eternal, and may light perpetual shine upon you. Dry bones, you will arise, and you will live and you will see the majesty of the Lord..

(ii): Sabaoth: Lord God: Christ.


i. 2: D(e)i could perhaps be D(omin)i

i. 4: ossa arida: see Ezechiel 37, available at Perseus

Bibliography: i: Paribeni, 1927, IV; a version at EDH 059232; mentioned and indexed IRT, 1952, 262, whence mentioned IRT, 2009, 262; i and ii, Bartoccini, 1977 IX