WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0027. Dedication to Commodus

Description: Impression left by a fragment of a lost marble panel (approx. w: 1.98 x h: 0.83, when excavated). With a moulded border top and bottom.
Text: Originally inscribed on marble. Read by Bartoccini when first excavated; much deteriorated by 1948.
Letters: Capitals: line 1, 0.135; line 2, 0.13; line 3, 0.125; line 4, 0.09.

Date: CE 183-184: GODOT (titulature)

Findspot: Sabratha: : Regio I, re-used in the late fourth century paving at the west end of the North Forum Portico; see also 23, 41, 43, 95.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Findspot


[Imp(eratori) Caesari di]ui Ma[rci] Antonini Pii f[ilio diui Pii nep(oti)]
[diui Hadriani p]ron(epoti) [di]ui Ṭ[ra]iani Par[t]h[ic]i ab[nepoti diui Neruae]
[adn(epoti) M(arco) Aurelio Com]modo [Anton]i[n]o Aug(usto) Pio [Sarm]ati[co Germanico max(imo)]
[pont(ifici) max(imo) trib(unicia) pot(estate) c. 1 - 4 im]p(eratori) VI co(n)s(uli) IIII [p(atri) p(atriae) ---]


[..............c. 1 - 4..]PVICOSIIII[..---]

1-4: The text given is Bartoccini's. The surviving letters were read in 1948 as follows:Antonini Pii filio diui Traiani Parthici abnepoti Antonino Augusto imperatori VI consuli IIII IRT, 1952
2: Ṭ[rai]ani Par[thic]i m[a]x̣(imi) [abn(epoti) Bartoccini, 1950

English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

[To Emperor Caesar, son of] deified Marcus Antonius Pius, [grandson of deified Pius], great-grandson [of deified Hadrian,great-great-grandson] of deified Trajan, greatest victor in Parthia, [great-great-great-grandson of deified Nerva, Marcus Aurelius] Commodus [Antoninus] Augustus, Pius, [Uictor in] Sarmatia, [greatest victor in Germany, chief priest, holding tribunician power for the . . . time, acclaimed victor] six times, consul for the fourth time, [father of the country ---]

Bibliography: Bartoccini, 1950 53.d, whence AE 1950.153d; IRT, 1952, 27, whence IRT, 2009, 27, whence EDH 021937.


None available (2021).