Description: Fragmentary
panel of grey marble
0.67 x h:
Text: Inscribed within a narrow border
0.55 x h:
Letters: Late second to third centuries lapidary capitals: lines 1-2, 0.055; remainder, 0.045.
Date: Late second to third centuries CE (lettering)
Sabratha: Regio I, Capitolium, some fragments were found in the vaults (see note on 1), and the lower left-hand part
was found re-used in the late fourth century paving at the W end of the N Forum Portico (see also 23, 27, 41, 43)
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Some fragments in vault of Capitolium;
lower left-hand part in Sabratha Museum.
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
To Caius Anicius Fronto, of the Roman voting tribe Quirina, honoured with a public horse, son of Anicius Bassianus, quaestor, aedile, duovir, designated quinquennial duovir, lover of his country; the citizens (scil. set this up) on account of his merits, Quintus Flavius Hicetas was in charge (scil. of the erection).
Bibliography: Bartoccini, 1950, 54.g, whence AE l950.155; IRT, 1952, 95, whence IRT, 2009, 95, whence EDH 021943; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.