Description: Six fragments of a marble
panel. d:
a) w:
0.27 x h:
0.21, no edges surviving;
b) w:
0.55 x h:
0.24, no edges surviving;
c) w:
0.17 x h:
0.16, no edges surviving;
d) w:
0.10 x h:
0.08, no edges surviving;
e) w:
0.15 x h:
0.17, last two lines;
f) w:
0.15 x h:
0.09, last line.
g (from upper edge) and h: no measurements.
Text: Inscribed on the surviving faces.
Letters: Late form of Rustic capitals: lines 1-5, 0.05; line 6, 0.04.
Date: 1 May 305-25 July 306 (internal date)
Lepcis Magna: Regio II,
Hadrianic Baths (Bartoccini MS notes)
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Lepcis Museum.
[Felic]issim[is temporibus dddd(ominorum) nnnn(ostrorum) Impp(eratorum) Constanti et Maximiani Augg(ustorum) et]
[Seu]eri et [Maximini nobb(ilissimorum)] Caess(arum) thermae Sa[--- ob lo]ngam admo-
[dum incuriam et ue]tustatem ad solum dedu[ctae---]m uener- [---]
[---]prouisione et eximio prae[cepto --- ad pris]tinum sta-
5[tum ---]a renou[ata]e sun[t ---]ORDIO
[--- curante?] Anton[io ---]
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. [---temple?] of (or for) Venus [---with?] continuous [care?---]
b. [---] superintendents of the Bath [---] fallen to the ground [on account of its age? ---] by exercise of forethought and extreme [---] he renewed [---]
(c and d are not usefully translatable)
e.[---] ?Asia [---]
f. ?with Antonius [--- looking after the work?].
Italian translation
Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010
Ai tempi quanto mai felici dei nostri signori imperatori Costanzo e Massimiano Augusti e Severo e Massimino nobilissimi Cesari.
Le terme Sa- . . . per la troppo lunga incuria (?) e per la vecchiaia ormai rase al suolo . . . per provvedimento e per esimia
disposizione (?) . . . alla loro precedente condizione . . . furono rinnovate . . . fin dall’inizio (?) . . . (a cura di?)
Antonio . . .
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 314, whence IRT, 2009, 315; Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 70, whence AE 2010.1782 EDH (Bigi, 2014) 067598; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. Fragments assembled, drawing: Bigi (2009)
Fig. 2. All fragments: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXII.24)
Fig. 3. Assembled: Tantillo (2005: DSCN1644)
Fig. 4. Upper left: Tantillo (2005: DSCN1638)
Fig. 5. Centre (b): Tantillo (2005: DSCN1639)
Fig. 6. Centre right (b): Tantillo (2005: DSCN1640)
Fig. 7. Right end: Tantillo (2005: DSCN1641)
Fig. 8. Lower right: Tantillo (2005: DSCN1642)