WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

0354. Fragmentary dedication to Trajan

Description: Four fragments, all probably from the same panel of white marble. a) and b) w: 0.20 x h: 0.11 and w: 0.25 x h: 0.20, no edges surviving. c) w: 0.12 x h: 0.12, no edges surviving. d) w: 0.16 x h: 0.22, lower border.
Text: Inscribed within a moulded border
Letters: a) and b): line 1, lapidary capitals, 0.05; line 2, Second century capitals, 0.035; line 3, 0.045.c) Second century capitals, line 1, 0.035; line 2, 0.045.d) Second century capitals, line 1, 0.045; line 2, 0.04.

Date: CE 113: GODOT (internal date)

Findspot: Lepcis Magna: Forum Vetus.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location: Lepcis Museum.



(a) and b))

[Imp(eratore) Caes(are) Nerua Tr]ạiano [Au]g(usto) Ger(manico) Ḍ[acico]
[pontif(ice) max(imo) trib(unicia)] pot[est](ate) XVII im[p](eratore) [VI co(n)s(ule) VI p(atre) p(atriae)]
[---]niọ [---]
[--- h]onora[---]
[---]rauit [---]



(a) and b))


English translation

Translation by: J. M. Reynolds

(a and b.) [When the emperor Caesar Nerva] Trajan Augustus Germanicus Dacicus was [chief priest, holding tribunician] power for the seventeenth time, acclaimed victor [six times, consul six times, father of the country---]

c. Not usefully translatable.

d.[---] ? honoured [---](a singular subject)(scil. took some action)[---]


a and b) line 2. trib. pot. XVII - 10 Dec. 112 - 9 Dec. 113.

Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 354, whence IRT, 2009, 354, whence EDH 059281; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.


   Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.X.34)