base inscribed on two opposite faces: 595 was on the reverse.
Text: Inscribed on a face now lost.
Letters: No description
Date: CE 378 (prosopography)
Lepcis Magna.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1731).
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
To one born of divine stock, our lord, most courageous emperor Valentinian, victor, Pius, Felix and triumphator, always Augustus; Flavius Benedictus, most excellent man (of equestrian status), governor of the province of Tripolitania, always devoted to his divine power and majesty,(scil. set this up).
Italian translation
Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010
Al nostro signore, generato da stirpe divina, fortissimo principe Valentiniano vincitore, Pio, Felice e trionfatore, per sempre Augusto, Flavius Vivius Benedictus, uomo perfettissimo, governatore della Prouincia di Tripolitania, per sempre devoto al suo nume e alla sua maestà.
English translation
Translation source: LSA, 2012
To our lord, born of divine stock, the most powerful emperor Valentinianus, victor, pious, fortunate and triumphant, forever Augustus. Flavius Vivius Benedictus, of perfectissimus rank, governor (praeses) of the province of Tripolitania, always devote to his divine spirit and majesty, [set this up].
Flavius Vivius Benedictus: PLRE I, Benedictus 4
Bibliography: CIL VIII, 1881 12 and p. 921; CIL VIII, suppl.4, 1916 22671; IRT, 1952, 476, whence IRT, 2009, 476; Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 12, LSA, 2012, 2158 (Tantillo and Bigi), EDH (Bigi, 2014) 059370
None available (2021).