Description: a) block (w:
1.10 x h:
0.50 x d:
0.46) of grey limestone, much weathered.
b: Three blocks of limestone:
b.1: w:
1.01 x h:
0.50 x d:
b.2: w:
0.69 x h:
0.40 x d:
b.3: w:
2.23 x h:
0.52 x d:
a) Inscribed on one face, from a monumental inscription.
b) Inscribed in letters of approximately the same, unusually large, size as a.
Letters: First century CE lapidary capitals: a: 0.37; b.1: 0.35; b.2: 0.35; b.3: 0.35.
Date: First century CE (lettering)
Lepcis Magna:
Forum Vetus; a) behind the Temple of Rome and Augustus, West of the Byzantine Waline
b) Described as lying between the forum and the sea.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
b) Findspots (1925).
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a.[---] holding the power [---]
(b. 1) Not usefully translatable.
(b. 2)[---] consul [---] (b. 3)Herenni[---](case unknown)
Bibliography: a) Cagnat and Merlin, 1923 I(k) ; Romanelli, 1925, 133 . b.1) Cagnat and Merlin, 1923 I(i) ; Romanelli, 1925, 133 . 2) Cagnat and Merlin, 1923 I(e) ; Romanelli, 1925, 133; 3) Cagnat and Merlin, 1923 I(g) ; Romanelli, 1925, 133 ; IRT, 1952, 485, whence IRT, 2009, 485, whence EDH 059378; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.