Description: Fragments of a marble
(diam. 0.62: height together of the two inscribed fragments 1.49,
and of one uninscribed fragment 1.38).
Text: Inscribed on the surviving face.
Letters: line 2, 0.190; line 3, 0.150; line 4, 0.095; line 5, 0.175; line 6. 0.105; line 7, 0.070.
Date: First to fouth centuries CE (nomenclature)
Lepcis Magna: 2 km East of
Ras el-Mergheb. Seen by Aurigemma in 1912,
beside the ruins of an ancient building on a small hill and
a little south-east of the mausoleum of Gasr Bu-Maser, near a house called Casa Iorio. Since lost.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Findspot (1912)
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
To the gods below of Fulvia Crescentilla, his most chaste wife; Quintus Marcus Candidus Rusonianus, her husband, had (scil. this) made.
Bibliography: Aurigemma, Aurigemma, 1930, 86, fig. 5; IRT, 1952, 705, whence IRT, 2009, 705, whence EDH 059554
None available (2021).