Description: Upper part of a rectangular marble
0.55 x h:
0.60 x d:
0.57) with moulded panels on all four sides.
Once inscribed on front and back, the inscription on the back erased; on the left side a patera,
on the right a jug in relief.
Text: Inscribed on the front (die, w:
0.35 x h:
Letters: Capitals with some Rustic forms: line 1-2, 0.06; line 3-4, 0.04.
Date: Second to third centuries CE (lettering)
Lepcis Magna:
Colonnaded Street:
in the monumental exedra at the head of the street .
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
To Quintus Furius Cerealis, father-in-law of Carminius Saturninus, who [had] sixteen statues [made at a cost of ?] sesterces by his will [---]
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 706, whence IRT, 2009, 706, whence EDH 059555; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.