Description: Seven fragments, of which a) and d) - g) certainly, and b) and c) probably, belong to the some white marble
(0.025 thick), inscribed within a moulded border. a) w:
0.21 x h:
0.15, no edges surviving.b) w:
0.17 x h:
0.135, no edges surviving.c) w:
0.14 x h:
0.11, no edges surviving.d) w:
0.21 x h:
0.125, no edges surviving.e) w:
0.95 x h:
0.95, no edges surviving.f) w:
0.16 x h:
0.13, lower border.g) w:
0.27 x h:
0.15, lower border.
Text: Inscribed within a moulded border.
Letters: a-d), Second century lapidary capitals, 0.10; e) - g), Second century capitals, 0.065.
Date: Second century CE (lettering)
Lepcis Magna:
Forum Severianum
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Lepcis Museum.
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
(a)[---](line 2) ? Rufus[---]
(b) [---] ?power [---]
(c-d)[---] Marcius [---] [] of the Roman voting tribe Quirina [---]
(f) [---] likewise [---]
(g) [---] with marbles [---]
Bibliography: Degrassi A., 1954 ; IRT, 1952, 728, whence IRT, 2009, 728, whence EDH 059577; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.