Description: Part of a round-topped stele
(surviving, w:
0.33 x h:
0.28 x d:
0.04) of sandstone broken at the base.
Text: Inscribed on the surviving face.
Letters: 0.05-0.02.
Date: First to fifth century CE (terminology)
Lepcis Magna:
Forum Severianum
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Lepcis Museum.
2-3: Θευλύτας robert1953 : The stone, which has been re-examined, certainly reads Θευλύτας
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
Memorial of Theudyta, daughter of Aiglanor the son of Timocrates; she died (scil. here)
For the name cf. IGCyr104700; Robert asked whether this stone might not have been brought from Cyrene to Lepcis; its material (sandstone) and findspot (Forum Severianum) make this most improbable.
Bibliography: Stroppa , 1912 75, IRT, 1952, 749, whence Robert, Bulletin Épigraphique, 1953.202, with Reynolds, 1955 144, whence SEG 15.885, PHI 189526, IRT, 2009, 749, whence EDH 059596; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.