WP 0005

Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania 2021

1030. Building dedication for Septimius Severus, Caracalla and Geta

Description: Sandstone block (w: 1.10 x h: 0.655 x d: 0.44)
Text: Inscribed within a rectangular tabella (die, 0.915 0.535).
Letters: 0.052-0.056.

Date: CE 201: GODOT (titulature)

Findspot: Bu Njem: Fort; from the south gate; found in 1972
Original location: Over the South gate of the camp
Last recorded location: Lepcis Museum (Inv. no. 72-52)


Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) L(ucio) Septimio
Seuero Pio Pertina-
ci Aug(usto) tr(ibunicia) p(otestate) IX imp(eratori) ( vac. ) co(n)s(uli) II p(atri) p(atriae) et
Imp(eratori) Caes(ari) M(arco) Aurel(io) An-
5tonino Aug(usto) tr(ibunicia) p(otestate) IIII et
⟦P(ublio)⟧ Sept(imio) ⟦G̣ẹṭạẹ⟧ Caes(ari) Aug(usto) Q(uinto) Anicio
Fausto leg(ato) Augg(ustorum) co(n)s(ulari) ⟦ ḷẹg̣(ionis) ỊỊỊ Ạụg̣(ustae) P̣(iae) Ụ(indicis)⟧



2: There is a space left blank for the number of imperial salutations.
6: The first initial is definitely P.

English translation

Translation by: Charlotte Roueché

For emperor Caesar Lucius Septimius Severus Pius Pertinax Augustus, holding tribunician power for the ninth time, acclaimed victor? times, consul twice, father of the country, and emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, holding tribunician power for the fourth time, consul, and Lucius (erased) Septimius Geta (erased) Caesar Augustus set up under Quintus Anicius Faustus, legate of the Augusti, consular commander of legion III Augusta, Pia, Vindex (erased from legion).


Quintus Anicius Faustus: PIR A 0595, https://pir.bbaw.de/id/1300

One of the four inscriptions over the gates of the camp: 914, 915, 916, 1030

Bibliography: Rebuffat, 1973 99-120 whence AE 1976.697, EDCS 09300556


None available (2021).