English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a. [In honour of Flavius Vivius Benedictus,] excellent [man] (i.e. of equestrian status). To a man of complete integrity,
moderation, justice, foresight, good faith, generosity, courage and beneficence, Flavius Vivus Benedictus, excellent man(i.e.
of equestrian status), governor of the province of Tripolitania; among the other generous acts by which he cherished, assisted
and improved the whole province, the city of Sabratha honours him also on account of those specifically conferred on itself;
they are delighted that, when the Baths had fallen down so that the people could not use them he restored them without expense
to anyone, and they are now among the ornaments of the country. The city-council and people, voting unanimously, set up the
statue to an outstanding patron with enthusiastic gratitude.
(b) Dedicated on the 28th July, when our lords the Augusti were consuls, Valens for the sixth time and Valentinian for the second.
English translation
(a. 1-11) (Statue) of Flavius Vivius Benedictus, vir perfectissimus. To Flavius Vivius Benedictus, vir perfectissimus, governor
of the province of Tripolitania, a man of complete honesty, moderation, fairness, foresight, loyalty, charity, bravery and
generosity. Among the rest of his favours by which he fostered, encouraged and raised up the entire province with his economies,
remedial measures and abilities, and also because of those benefactions which were bestowed by him in particular . . . (Translation
by Fagan (1996), p.82
Italian translation
Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010
[Flavius Vivius Benedictus, uomo] perfettissimo! Uomo do completa integrità, moderazione, giustizia, assennatezza, onestà,
benevolenza, forza e generosità, a Flavius Vivius Benedictus, uomo perfettissimo, governatore della Prouincia di Tripolitania:
tra gli altri suoi benefici con i quali favorì, sollevò, innalzò l’intera provincia, con aiuti, rimedi e prove di valore,
anche per quelli che a lei specialmente apportò, la città di Sabratha, esultando perché, dopo che la rovina aveva negato l’uso
delle terme al popolo, senza dispendio per nessuno lo restituì (sc. l’uso delle terme) al vanto della città; l’ordine e il
popolo, tra i voti concordi di tutti, collocò questa statua all’eccellentissimo suo patrono con animo grato. Dedicata sotto
il consolato dei nostri signori Augusti Valente per la sesta volta e Valentiniano per la seconda volta, il quinto giorno prima
delle Calende di Agosto.
Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. B. 1587)
Fig. 2. Ward-Perkins, 1946 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 46.VI.33)
Fig. 3. Ward-Perkins, 1947 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 47.VII.22)
Fig. 4. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 5. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DS 791 Leica)