Description: Rectangular base (w:
0.56 x h:
0.85 x d:
0.50) of coarse brown limestone.
Text: Inscribed on one face, line 1 on the upper moulding, lines 2 following within a moulded panel (die, w:
0.27 x h:
The text is very lightly cut on a rough surface from which a previous inscription has been completely erased. Decipherment
is therefore extremely difficult.
Letters: Fourth century CE capitals: Line 1, 0.03, line 2 0.04, lines 3 ff. 0.03.
Date: 375-378 CE. (titulature)
Lepcis Magna:
Forum Severianum, North Portico.
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Praedicabilis in-
tegritatis et beniuoli
uigoris iustitiae singu-
5laris Flauio Uictoriạṇọ
comiti [..] p̣ẹṛ Africạṃ
quod defesso territoṛịọ
nimia incursatione ba[r-]
baroruṃ P[.]QU[.]NS[.]B[...]
10excubiaẹ[.]D[.]que [...]ente mọ-
deratione iudiciorum ob e[ius?]-
tam rei publicae [c. 8]
quam priuatorum ( vac. 1) restit[...]
[c. 10] Lepcim[agnens-
15es c. 20]
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
(scil. In honour) of [---]allometis (or [---]allomes). To (scil. a man of) praiseworthy integrity, benevolent energy and remarkable justice, Flavius Victorianus, count [of the
province?] of Africa, because he restored to a land wearied by excessive barbarian invasion, following [.. ? ..] of keeping watch [c. 14] by the moderation of his judgments [c. 6] the [---] both of the city and private persons also [c. 12] the Lepcimagnensians [set this up ---]
Italian translation
Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010
. . . Dotato di lodevole integrità e di benevolo vigore, e di eccezionale giustizia, a Flavius Victorianus, conte ... d’Africa,
per il fatto che, essendo il territorio provato dalle frequenti incursionidei barbari . . . vigilanza . . . con la moderazione
dei suoi giudizi per . . . tanto della repubblica . . . quanto dei privati restituì (?) . . . di Leptis Magna . . .
English translation
Translation source: LSA, 2012
(To) ... of laudible integrity and vigour for good ends, of singular justice. To Flavius Victorianus, military commander (comes)
... for Africa, because when the territory was worn out by too great an incursion of barbarians ... by his vigilance ... and
with the moderation of his judgements he restored as much for the community (rei publicae) . . . as for private citizens. The . . . of Lepcis Magna [set this up].
Bibliography: IRT, 1952, 570, with Reynolds, 1955, 130-131, whence AE 1957.236, IRT, 2009, 570; Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 29, whence LSA, 2012, 2175 (Tantillo and Bigi), EDH (Bigi, 2014) 017444; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections..
Fig. 1. Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. CLM 1006)
Fig. 2. Face, drawing: Bigi (2009)
Fig. 3. Front face: Tantillo (n.d.)
Fig. 4. Detail: Tantillo (n.d.)