Description: Fragments of a marble
a (Text A): fragment with upper moulding, and a feline creature in reliff on the left side w:
0.30 x h:
0.27 x d:
b (Text B, lines 5-9): left side fragment, w:
0.37 x h:
0.30 x d:
c (Text B, lines 1-5): fragment with no edges surviving, w:
0.30 x h:
0.27 x d:
d (Text B, line 9): fragment with no edges surviving, w:
0.18 x h:
0.13 x d:
e (Text B, 4-7): fragment with no edges surviving: no measurements
Text: Inscribed A, line 1 on the upper moulding; A line 2 and B within a moulded panel.
Letters: Fourth century CE capitals: 0.037-0.035.
Date: Late Constantinian. (prosopography)
Lepcis Magna: Regio V,
a: Punic Market, South side;
b: Theatre;
c, d: Findspot unrecorded
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Lepcis Museum
( vac. 1 line)
[---]NT[..]NTE[.]US [c. 4]ATISPRI[..]IPI[.]IPI[---]
------ B
L[..a]etate [c. 19]-
-nito patriae[c. 15 in-]
nocentiae co[---]
[M(arco)] Uibio Annia[no] Gẹṃịṇ[o u(iro) p(erfectissimo)]
5fl(amini) ((stop)) p(er)p(etuo) ((stop)) pont(ifici) praef(ecto) ((stop)) o[m]nium s[acr](orum)
sacerdotalị [prou(incia) Tr]ịpol(itanae) bi[s IIuir(o)]
ob meritum o[peris] uolun[tate]
eiusdem praesi[dis dispositi?]
ex ((stop)) populi ((stop)) sufr(agio) ((stop)) [et] decr(eto) ((stop)) ((stop)) s(plendidissimi) ((stop)) o(rdinis)
------ B
EX • POPULI • SUFR • [..]DECR • • S • O
A.2: [·· ? ··]OỊNT[·]INTERVSỊẸR[·]ATISPRINCIPIO[·· ? ··] IRT, 1952
B.1: [·· ? ··]nito patri re[·· ? ··]/ IRT, 1952
B.3: [·· ? ··] Vibio Annia[no ·· ? ··]/ IRT, 1952
B.5: fl(amini) p(er)p(etuo) pont[ifici]/ IRT, 1952
B.6: sacerdotal[i ·· ? ··] / IRT, 1952
B.7: ob meritum o[ptimi(?)] / IRT, 1952
B.8: eiusdem praesi[dis] / IRT, 1952
B.9: ex populi sufr[agiis] and [·· ? ··] decr(eto) s(plendidissimi) o(rdinis) [·· ? ··] IRT, 1952
English translation
Translation by: J. M. Reynolds
a: [To ---], perpetual flamen (priest), pontifex(priest), ?ex-priest, [of the province of Tripolitania?] on account of the deserts of the same [best] governor; in accordance with
the votes of the people [---]
c: [---] by decree of the most splendid city council [---]
Italian translation
Translation source: Tantillo-Bigi, 2010
Amelius! . . . per et . . . della patria . . . di innocenza . . . a Marcus Vibius Annianus Geminus, uomo perfettissimo, flamine
perpetuo, pontefice, prefetto di tutte le cose sacre, due volte (?) sacerdotale della Prouincia di Tripolitania, duoviro,
per il merito dell’opera ordinata (?) dal sopracitato governatore, per suffragio del popolo e per decreto dello splendidissimo
English translation
Translation source: LSA, 2012
Statue of Amelius. . . . at age. . . of the fatherland. . . of innocence. . . . To Marcus Vibius Annianus, of perfectissimus
rank, perpetual flamen, pontifex, prefect of all sacred things, high priest of the province of Tripolitania twice, duovir.
On account of his merits for the work set up (?) by the will of the same governor (praeses), by acclamation of the people and by decree of the most splendid council (ordo) [this was set up].
Bibliography: a: IRT, 1952, 581, whence IRT, 2009, 581; b and c: IRT, 1952, 608, whence IRT, 2009, 608; d: IRT, 1952, 627, whence IRT, 2009, 627; combined, with one further fragment, (e) Tantillo-Bigi, 2010, 59, whence AE 2010.1781, LSA, 2012, 2205 (Tantillo and Bigi), EDH (Bigi, 2014) 059440; for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections..
Fig. 1. Fragments assembled, drawing: Bigi (2009)
Fig. 2. a: Text A: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXIV.24)
Fig. 3. a: Text A: Tantillo (2003)
Fig. 4. a: left side: Tantillo (2003)
Fig. 5. B, lines 1-9 left end, assembled: Tantillo, 2005 (DSCN1653)
Fig. 6. B, lines 5-9 complete, assembled: Tantillo, 2005 (DSCN1655)
Fig. 7. b: B, lines 5-9: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 1623 Leica)
Fig. 8. c: B, lines 1-5: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 9. c: B, lines 1-5: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 384 Lastre)
Fig. 10. From left: above,
IRT 754b,
IRT 586,
IRT 762 below,
IRT 581e, B, lines 4-7,
IRT 555: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXIV.9)
Fig. 11. From left:
IRT 664,
IRT 581d, B line 9: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XII.9)
Fig. 12. e, B, lines 4-7: Tantillo (2004)