Block of grey limestone (w:
1.30 x h:
0.30 x d:
0.50), the face damaged at the left-hand side.
Text: Inscribed on one face.
Letters: Capitals with some Rustic forms: line 1, 0.07-0.08; line 2, 0.065, line 3, 0.06.
Date: Second to third centuries CE (lettering)
Lepcis Magna: Findspot unrecorded
Original location: Unknown
Last recorded location:
Lepcis Museum.
English translation
Translation source: Elmayer, 1997
Stele which Barigbaad Typafimade for his father Viyastila and for his wife, his brother (and) himself. This shaft tomb, for his family, that is below did he make during his lifetime and at his own expense.
English translation
Translation source: Kerr, 2010
[Ma]usoleu[m] which Baricbal Tapapi made for his parents Viystila and Lilystim . . . and . . . (during his life he was perfect)
Bibliography: Described Bartoccini, 1926, 64 and fig. 32; IRT, 1952, 828, whence Elmayer, 1997, 2, IRT, 2009, 828, without transcription, whence EDH 059679, this edition Kerr, 2010, 206 (where see bibliography); for BSR images see BSR Digital Collections.
Fig. 1. Above, 486; below 828: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XIV.32)Fig. 2. Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XIV.33)
Fig. 3. Above, 486; below 828: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR (Sopr. DLM 1613 Leica)
Fig. 4. Above, 486; below 828: Ward-Perkins, 1948 (Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR 48.XXX.18)
Fig. 5. From left: Above, 719, 656, 677; below: 828, 267, 672: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 6. From left: Above, 719, 656, 677; below: 828, 267, 672: Ward-Perkins Archive, BSR
Fig. 7. Sketch from a squeeze (from IRT p. 195)
Fig. 8. Drawing (from Bartocinni, fig. 32)